Our Mission
To host a cutting-edge club night ministry with the purpose of building a civilisation of love in Christ and to support organisations that seek to protect our unborn brothers and sisters. Catholic Fusion aims to unite and celebrate the Catholic Faith in all its fullness and diversity; it’s a fusion of the Christian spiritual and social, “work and play”, ancient and contemporary, dance and chill-out… in a professionally run, relaxing environment for adults in their 20s through to their 50s- “The premier Christian social experience”
“The Gospel lives always in conversation with culture, for the Eternal Word never ceases to be present to the Church and to humanity. If the Church holds back from culture, the Gospel itself falls silent.
Therefore, we must be fearless in crossing the cultural threshold of the communications and information revolution now taking place. Like the new frontiers of other times, this one too is full of the interplay of danger and promise, and not without the sense of adventure which marked other great periods of change”.
Blessed John Paul II, 1st March 2002
The Catholic Fusion Concept
The Catholic Fusion concept rests on four pillars:
Evangelisation & Spirituality:
- Evangelisation zone: we will foster an environment in which people can educate themselves about the Church’s teaching on faith & morality, especially “life” issues.
There will be displays and materials covering most controversial Christian subjects, first class apologetic materials along with Catholic history awareness. Only organisations/movements that completely adhere to all of the Church’s teaching on faith and morality will be invited to participate - Prayer volunteers and at least one priest will be present during the night (confession, advice & prayer ministry)
- We will have a Mass celebrated for the smooth running of the evening and the intentions of all our guests & service team. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place throughout the night in a nearby church or a separate room. We believe that adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will:
- Bring about miracles in people’s lives
- Provide the graces necessary to make each night truly special for everyone and who knows, perhaps even life-changing for some
- Help to stop issues with excess drinking and sexual temptation
- Help lonely people to feel loved, included and accepted.
Networking & Friendship
Bring together people with different gifts and talents and build a communion of faithful Catholics. To build up and empower the Church by training up volunteers to use their skills and talents effectively. Create new friendships: the aim is also to try to help Catholics in their faith journey and formation by introducing them to orthodox Catholic movements & events.
ALL raised funds go straight to grassroots Pro-Life/Pro-Church organisations (Good Counsel Network and 40 Days for Life). For each event, the CF leadership team will also award 20% of the raised money to an additional charity. We are inspired by the words of recent popes: “Pro Life is the most important work on earth” (JP2) and “bear witness to and disseminate this Culture of Life” (Francis).
- Our club nights feature professional DJs, playing contemporary (and old school) dance music, R&B and other popular styles of dance music. We aim to create a safe place for young adults to dance, socialise and relax with each other. It’s a great privilege to minister to our guests and to create an environment, in which they feel safe, valued and loved (we also have fully trained and licensed security present all night)
- We have a professionally run licenced bar serving cocktails and a wide selection of drinks and
- A professionally run licenced restaurant with a professional catering service, offering freshly cooked food, teas, coffees and deserts.